Self-Employability in Remote Regions of Europe

SOLOPRENEUR aims at developing innovative training and learning solutions to enhance employability of job-seekers, underemployed/temporarily unemployed and those who are seeking better or new opportunities through self-employment. SOLOPRENEUR specific objectives are to support the acquisition of skills and tools to enhance self-employability. This will be achieved by developing adequate training solutions, material and on-line tools.
The Idea
The idea behind SOLOPRENEUR is to develop Open Educational Resources (open and widely available training content and modules) targeted at all those people who are in search of their first employment, are (even temporarily) out of the job market for objective reasons (crisis, job market contraction, in-between jobs, etc.), underemployed (position lower than qualification) or want to develop their own business.
SOLOPRENEUR has the objective to foster their access to the EU job market: the concept is to promote their self-employment by leveraging tools and resources that allow for Solo-Entrepreneurship.
So in conclusion ...
SOLOPRENEUR was designed with the overall objective of concretely fostering employability and integration in the European labour market through enhanced skills and tools to empower and equip all those people who are in search of their first employment, are (even temporarily) out of the job market for objective reasons (crisis, job market contraction, in-between jobs, etc.), underemployed (position lower than qualification) or want to develop their own business.