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Dai senso alla tua “osservazione imprenditoriale”
Solopreneur Accept the challenge
Worksheet 1: I have an idea
Worksheet 2: Finding inspiration
Worksheet 3: Developing my idea
Worksheet 4: Be unique!
Worksheet 5: How do I start?
Worksheet 6: I’ve got a plan!
Worksheet 7: Approaching your customer
Worksheet 8: The customer
Worksheet 9: Status: online
Worksheet 10: Your online reputation
Worksheet 11: Time is on my side!
Worksheet 12: My idea around tourism
Worksheet 13: What do I need to know?
Worksheet 14: Let’s get started
X Close ECCA Entrepreneurship Module
Solopreneur Accept the challenge
Worksheet 1: I have an idea
Worksheet 2: Finding inspiration
Worksheet 3: Developing my idea
Worksheet 4: Be unique!
Worksheet 5: How do I start?
Worksheet 6: I’ve got a plan!
Worksheet 7: Approaching your customer
Worksheet 8: The customer
Worksheet 9: Status: online
Worksheet 10: Your online reputation
Worksheet 11: Time is on my side!
Worksheet 12: My idea around tourism
Worksheet 13: What do I need to know?
Worksheet 14: Let’s get started
X Close ECCA Entrepreneurship Module
Lo sguardo strategico, infobesity, kaizen, Ciclo di Deming, strategic watch initiative, Strategic watch cycle, strategic and business intelligence process, business intelligence tools
Obiettivo del corso è quello di illustrarti i concetti di: • Sguardo (osservazione) imprenditoriale • Analizzare e scegliere i tool di osservazione che più fanno al caso tuo
Il corso si prefigge di essere un portale d’accesso ai processi di business intelligence collegati all’imprenditorialità.