SOLOPRENEUR: Self-Employability in Remote Regions of Europe

Give sense to your entrepreneurial watch


Give sense to your entrepreneurial watch

Strategic watch, infobesity, kaizen method, Deming Wheel, informal strategic watch initiative, Strategic watch cycle, strategic and business 



In this course, you will learn how to give sense to your entrepreneurial watch, how to increase and perform your overall market analysis and improve your strategic decision-making. To be able to : • know the strategic watch approach • Analyse and choose your business intelligence tools

This course is a first global approach to understand the importance of the business intelligence process essential to entrepreneurship: from creation to the development of an economic activity.

 Contents in bullet points
Unit 1: Entrepreneurial strategic watch Unit 2: Challenges and processes of business intelligence Unit 3: Choose your strategic watch tools



Entrepreneurial strategic watch

  Define the strategic watch

Strategic watch "Strategic intelligence is the information process by which the company anticipates the weak signals of its environment with the creative purpose of discovering opportunities and reducing uncertainty“. LESCA (1994)

Observation Strategy = Clear Vision + Feasibility + Viability of a project
Prospective Approach > Reactive > Anticipate
Multiple Types of special Watch → Orient the Global Strategy

✔Scientific and technological watch
✔Regulatory, normative, legal watch
✔Standby image, e-reputation
✔Business intelligence, financial, marketing, competition
✔Sector, strategic and environmental / societal watch

  Understand the strategic meaning of entrepreneurial watch

Our strategic representations are often limited by:
- Information ‘super-abundance’ surrounding
- Environmental influence on our cognitive abilities & reactions

What are the effective remedies?

âUnderstand and verify your ability to process and exploit the available information
âMake the right strategic decisions
âSucceed your business creation
âContinuously improve our process


The solopreneur, independent worker, auto entrepreneur or leader whatever his status can not undertake without acting positively or negatively on his environments. (See PESTEL and SWOT analysis)
Climate issues, the fight against waste and the preservation of natural resources force him to adopt a responsible, united and ethical attitude.

Tools & methods of continuous improvement ranked from 1 to 10 according to your objectives & needs

1.Collect information and ideas (Brainstorming / Mind-mapping / CTQ Chart / Kano Analysis)
2.Analyze and evaluate the company’s situation (FIPEC, SIPOC chart/QQOCCP/Value Analysis)
3.Look for causes and effects (Ishikawa Diagram / 5 Why)
4.Help with decision making (Decision Tree / Matrix Feasibility / Efficiency / Eisenhower Matrix
5.Solve problems (PDCA / Kaizen Blits ou Kaikaku / Trystorming)
6.Reduce your sources of waste (Lean management / 3M)
7.Manage quality (Kaizen / 5S / AMDEC)
8.Plan and track tasks (Gantt Chart / PERT Chart / Action Plan)
9.Visualize and manage processes (Value Stream Mapping (VSM) / Visual Management)
10.Optimize production (Six big losses / Continuous Flow / Heijunka)



The creation of meaning is related to the ability of the leader to process and exploit the information available.
Our individual faculty faces limited strategic representations in the face of:

- The surrounding informational overabundance => the overload or "overload information"
- The influence or not of our decisions according to our cognitive capacities and our critical spirit

Focus on the continuous improvement method:

"Deming Wheel" = Solve problems

Step 1: PLAN = Define the process that needs to be improved (Brainstorming, Mind Mapping)
Step 2: DO = Execute your action plan = Choose your indicators and define whether your improvement is real or not based on a subjective assessment
Step  3: CHECK = Analyze and evaluate the recovered data and compare them with the standards in place or the intended purpose
Step 4: ACT   = Check > Edit > Schedule


Responsible and ethical attitude:

Analyze its Leadership = Vision + Mission + Values + Objectives + Strategies

â‘Good knowledge of self and its potentialities (internal and interpersonal diagnosis): values, vision, objectives, strategies, and added value
â‘Good knowledge of the environment (external diagnosis): Pestel analysis, SWOT analysis, continuous improvement methods,
â‘Solidarity and sustainable approach = acting for the common good
→  Economic Logic & Social Progress (logic of sustainable development)

Responsible and ethical attitude:

Security + Respect + Transparency
Analyze your ethical and responsible capacity
Ability to process and exploit available information

→ Organize + Search + Follow + Analyze + Evaluate

Main principles to respect

1.Define and identify
→ Targeting the best technological tools
2.Collect and process central data
→ Manage the follow-up of the customers and their decision-making processes until the purchase
3.Monitor and analyze
→ Have skills and expertise + Evaluate your information management software
4. Communicate and disseminate
→ Make the results of your research accessible

Strategic intelligence of information   “an individual and collective capacity to understand and solve the problems of data acquisition and transformation of information into operational knowledge, that is to say“


4 key steps to establish an effective information watch

➢Establish your strategy / targeting
➢Protect your environment
➢Search for relevant and reliable information
➢Disseminate content by securing personal data (RGPD)

Challenges and processes of business intelligence

  What issues?

Business Intelligence Issues
✔MONITOR your environment
✔ACT on its environment
✔INNOVATE in his domain
✔LIMITING wastage
✔INCREASE performance
✔OPTIMIZE Return On Investment (ROI)

  Analyse the strategic watch process

Steps of the marketing watch approach

1. Targeting/Strategy: Define the need for your company's watch

2. Sourcing: Thinking about tools and watch channels based on targeting

3. Collection/selection of information: gather facts, opinions, studies,

4. Analysis/synthesis: Validate the information collected:

5. Dissemination: Make the information available as deliverables to the concerned people

Analyze the business intelligence process

Choose your strategic watch tools

  4 main criteria of choice

  Practice the checklist - Find and collect information

Analysis table of paid and non-paid watch tools


Definition 1 (Wikipedia): Enterprise intelligence activity consists of collecting strategic information to anticipate developments and innovations
Definition 2 according to Lesca (1994): "The strategic watch is the information process by which the company anticipates the weak signals of its environment with the creative aim of discovering opportunities and reducing its uncertainty".
Source : file:///C:/Users/NOLEO%20Patrick/Downloads/CHALUSSAUVANNETvdef.pdf
Business intelligence generally includes several types of specific watch, designed to guide the overall strategy of an organization (individual company, company, ...).
This monitoring practice adapts according to the size of the structure and its areas of activity.
The practice of monitoring is an essential strategic step in environmental analysis (macro-economic and micro-economic)
The observation strategy refines our vision of a situation to determine the feasibility and viability of our project.

Let's remember mainly:
Scientific and technological watch
- monitoring scientific, technical and technological fields (research programs and results, emerging technologies, innovations, etc.)

Regulatory, normative, legal watch
- monitoring legislative and regulatory developments, knowing the standards in force

Standby image, e-reputation
- evaluate your reputation and monitor what is being said about you on the Internet and in traditional media
Business intelligence, financial, marketing, competition
- monitor changes in situation, competition strategy

Sector, strategic and environmental / societal watch

- to know the evolution of the market, to monitor the cultural, political, social and historical factors
Any watch must rely on tools and methods according to your needs.
PESTEL and SWOT analysis tools allow you to better understand the issues and to study your market.
Learn more:

Your ability to process and exploit the information available ensures the sustainability of your business project.
4 main principles to respect corresponding to the cycle of the strategic watch.
> Identify and identify
Define the scales that will serve to identify the information sought and to target the best technological tools to collect the desired information.
What problem is your company trying to solve with this new data?
Are you looking for a quality customer experience?
Enrich your marketing content
Retain and follow your customers (the evolution of your e-reputation)

Do you improve the information system of your company?


Responsible attitude and ethics = Strategic impact + Moral value + Impact of integral ecology (interdependence between the social, the economic and the ecology) => SECURITY RESPECT TRANSPARENCY

The impact of the ethical dimension in the company's communication strategy: the need for "responsible" communication - Franck Debos
"We can consider that business ethics is actually a combination of three dynamic dimensions:
A preventive ethics grouping the notions of security; environment and health.
An internal ethics centered on a rigorous respect of the legal norms as well as on the emergence of an internal code of ethics and the notion of employability.
An external ethic implying greater transparency towards its partners (shareholders regardless of their importance, customers, suppliers, and other pressure groups).
13The company becomes socially responsible, which implies taking into account a political function in addition to its economic function »

"Ethics improves honesty, trust and opens the business to the outside world.
This serves to give behavioral benchmarks, management guidelines, to make decisions consistent, understood and shared by employees. "

"A company that does not conceive of personal responsibility does not create any value and can not ensure its durability.
Ethical behavior requires seeing the future of the company in the long term, which is a source of opportunity.
It allows to have more convictions on the products it sells, but especially to create and restore confidence in its micro / macro environment.

Institutional networks = institutional watch + regulatory watch + scientific + health + environmental watch + economic watch + strategic watch + sector watch...
Professional networks = scientific watch + sector watch + business intelligence + marketing watch…
Social networks: = industry watch, business intelligence + marketing watch + societal watch
Facebook : 33 millions of active users
YouTube : 19 millions ...
WhatsApp : 14,5 millions ...
Snapchat : 13 millions ...
Instagram : 12,1 millions ...
Twitter : 10,3 millions ...
Pinterest : 7,9 millions ...
Linkedin : 9,7 millions ...


The cycle of the strategic watch
We remind you that we have set up an information process and that we have met the company to define its environment in order to discover opportunities and reduce uncertainties, or even anticipate threats.

It therefore takes place according to a cycle of five stages:
1. Targeting or Strategy => Define the need for your company's watch:
Define the thematic, the fields in semantics and the actors of the domain and the axes of research on who must remain watchful (financial, legal, technical aspects ...)
Choose relevant keywords, with monitoring, intervention and use of documentary tools. => prepare research strategies by representing the semantic connections between different ideas, the hierarchical links between different intellectual concepts.
Identify useful sources in the company, contact the actors with whom works, information providers, the Web, institutions ...
Understanding the context (why?) The need for monitoring
Define the objectives of the day before (what?) With a reflection on the expectations in order to turn them into a need for information
Identify the targets of the day before (for whom?) And the mode of diffusion (how?)
Set up a monitoring strategy according to the needs of the "client" or the "user" and the means (themes, issues, resources).

2. Sourcing, => Thinking about tools and watch channels based on targeting:
Use identified sources when targeting and searching for additional sources
Qualify the sources according to their nature, radius of diffusion, purpose, intended audience, author, language, content / purpose ...
Identify relevant pages
Set up and configure the chosen monitoring tool

3. Collection and selection of information => gather facts, opinions, studies, etc., on desired themes, from formal or informal sources according to:
Frequency to be defined according to information needs
tools used and the nature of the information
Selection of information on relevance to standby requirements

4. Analysis and synthesis => Validate the information collected:
Extract relevant content
Integration into one or more summary documents (exploitable)

5. Dissemination. => Make the information available as deliverables to the people concerned.:
â–ªmeans of communication adapted to the target and the monitoring process: newsletters, alerts (Google Alert, ...), dynamic sites, blogs, etc.
â–ªInteract with its target audiences.


Unit 1: Entrepreneurial strategic watch • Responsible attitude and ethics • Types of specific watches • Ability to process and exploit available information • Apply the continuous improvement method (Deming Wheel) • information strategic intelligence Unit 2: Challenges and processes of business intelligence • Strategic watch issues • 4 steps of the mercantile sleep approach • Cycle of the strategic watch • Diagram of the strategic and business intelligence process Unit 3: Choose your strategic watch tools • 4 main criteria of choice • Practice the checklist - Find and collect information • Integrate the dynamics of active institutional and professional networks


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Erasmus Plus